Saturday, March 22, 2008

These people....

There is a group that I personally cannot stand nor believe what they are doing makes any sense, Code Pink. Code Pink pride themselves as a feminist anti-war group primarily on the Afghanistan and Iraq War. With more than 250 chapters worldwide, their goals are to conducted marches and protest in high visibility public stunts in which most cases disrespectfully soil the process of getting these wars on the right path. They are mostly women but men are welcome to join in the local and national demonstration levels. Their signature is wearing pink attire and the Code Pink is based off the Homeland Security Threat Level from green to red. More information about Code Pink: There are many protest that CODEPINK has done but recently they have set protests to the United States Marine Corps recruiting office in Berkeley, California which has been broadcasted all over the news from ABC to CNN. One of their biggest protest was marching across the Golden Gate Bridge and blocking morning commute.

I believe that these group of feminists do not fully understand what the hell they are doing nor can even comprehend the different politics that are involved in wars, especially ones that are happening right now.We are in times where protesting like if it was the Vietnam War, is not going to do a damn thing.As citizens we have a right to protest something we all significantly believe in. The approach of harassing and disrupting those trying to resolve these conflicts is not going to help. Yet it adds nothing to a solution.


Tyler said...

I totally agree with you on this issue. It's frustrating to see people asking for ridiculous goals to be met where there is no realistic way that they will happen. They then get angry about the fact that their unrealistic demands haven't been realized and it builds in a never ending cycle of stupidity. For some reason it seems they believe that the US can just magically send all of the troops home and there will be world peace. After glancing through their web site I lose even more respect for them. I'm no big Bush fan or even the fact that were in Iraq right now, but the fact of the matter is were there and we destroyed the country and system they had in place albeit a corrupt one. The right thing to do is to try the best we can to fix it, not just leave and let it become even more of a wasteland. Calling our troops muderers is ridiculous and sickening. The whole thing is just dumb, thats the best way I can put it.

Anyways have a nice Easter.

Jeremy Hedman said...

Honestly, I think this has more to do with their ignorance of how to resolve issues properly. If they do not know the proper process of appealing to their representatives and putting pressure on them that they are not representing the will of the people, they are not going to get anywhere. Using domestic disturbances as a way to get the message across is also silly, as the image of "bad people" will stick into the mind of those whom felt the disturbance, and is an outdated method to boot. We aren't in the medieval ages where forcing methods and beliefs on people was the way things were done, we are in a civilized world.

What they ask for will have dire consequences in the areas we have troops stationed, and the immediate withdrawl of troops will probably cause a power struggle within that nation, not to mention economical factors as well.

Good luck with promoting anti-codepink sentiments!