Thursday, March 27, 2008

Political Break: so stupid a Caveman could've known.

I am going to take this Post Break to put fourth this God forsaken stupid situation that all people should learn from. In Yahoo News I saw this article about a 11-year old girl, dies of diabetes because her parents only did prayers instead of taking her to the doctors. I found another blogger that somewhat had the same feelings and emotions that I had, Thomas Hawk. I wrote the following comment in a fury flash response to the situation along side with other bloggers.

The Aggressor said...

I could not agree more either. In fact this is pure stupidity and ignorance. I have faith as anyone else in this world but for someone ,in this case parents, to rely on prayers which is not proven effective to cure a common cold yet alone to cure Diabetes? I find this so preventable, a caveman could've known. Leilani and her husband deserve a 12-gauge to the face for their unwillingness to seek medical help at their disposal. All they had to do is bring her to the doctors and/or call 911. What is more sad than Madeline Neumann's death is that, her parents let her die and did nothing effective to help sustain and recover from her heath crisis. Parents have a moral willingness and obligation to protect their children at all costs. Madeline's parents did not have moral willingness to keep their child safe, therefore in the rest of their lives, branded by the news and the pointing fingers of society, let their mistake serve them well in an unforgiving shame and let their human inherited duties and responsibilities of being parents be revoked as long as they live in a world that prays they should be guilty of "stupidity murder" on their own child and they should be shot themselves and left to die and we should "pray" for them to get well. "

Yahoo News Article:

Thomas Hawk Article:


Tyler said...

Stories like this sadden and disgust me. I just dont see how as a society we allow incompetent idiots like this to breed. People wonder why so many people are against religion.... this is exactly why. They should both go to jail for manslaughter at the least. I just could never even concieve raising a child and then when they need you the most you just sit by them watching them die and do nothing but hold hands and wish for the best. Just disgusting........

o0o0KreesToL said...

yeah, oh my gosh, situations such as this really will brign the dark side out of me. in the philippines i've heard so much like this, they believe that no medication will heal them, but of prayers. so it got to a point in which some other family memeber needed to take over and bring them to the hospital. but you want to know what happens next, the parents take back the kid and throws a fit at the family member who took the child to the hospital and then few days later died because the child was not on life support but was on prayer support which did nothing but kill the child. i seriously think that there should be some kind of rule or heck even law about people's sickness, like if you know that they are sick or even are suffering from severe pain take them into the doctors and have them check up, not checked up by prayers. some people are just so attached to their religion too that's why they believe in prayers to help relieve the person. i mean yeah sometimes praying does help but that's every once in a million i dont know, months? or what have you...ugh just this upsets me a lot...wish something could be done to help save the lives of people who being prayed to instead of being in the hospital and being treated with real medications.