Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hippy Town USA! OLE!

Some old news that still boils the blood to a point where getting upset is only a scratch of emotions. As many of you recall the CodePink Demonstration on the United States Marine Corps' Recruiting Office in Berkeley California, still pisses people off. These feminists yet have nothing better to do than to sit and complain, bitch and moan all day in front of a recruiting office like they all had their 1-Monthly turning nagging time. Yes, people see and pass by but who really cares what they are saying? No one "respectful and logical." I was on another blog called "Urban Conservative" which bluntly talks about CodePink and the Berkeley Protest, stilling going on today. Even though the blog is purely Conservative, I have to agree with them on these "peaceful" protests. But one thing that I can not swallow is how CodePink influences the City of Berkeley to say " you are not welcome here" to the United States Marines. Talk about unpatriotic? Talk about being disrespectful? Talk about your family members? Talk about your freedom? I truly do not know how CodePink was able to do something like that. The City Concil also gave CodePink ,voted 8-1, on protesting time, sound permits and designated CODEPINK parking spaces right in front of the recruiting office! how ridiculous is that?! Oh and CodePink is non-profit? yet they use their money for parking spaces to protest? Yeah way to go! Good use of money management skills! If i was a CodePink wannabe Cindy Sheehan i'd take that money and use it on Billboards, bio-degradable CodePink Anti-war cards and throw them at people, but no they had to get parking spaces like that is really going to prevent people from parking around the corner and walking in the recruiting office. Urban Conservative is written by a Marine which clearly pisses him off that Americans are hating the sacrifice of men and women of this nation to establish freedom. He emphazies Berkeley as : SCUM. And even as a democrat, I concur.

All I can really say is that demonstrating and disrespecting the Marines is not only "un-american" but damn useless which will not make any progress in times of conflict and differences. But I have to hand it to CodePink at Berkeley in their demonstration to persuede the City Council to allow them to yell and scream about disrespect to the men and women of the United States Marines. I can see CodePink's demonstartion in Berkeley to be successful because, C.P. is on their home court, with home court advantage. So watch out Marines because CodePink feminists are going to hop on their menstrual cycle and run your ass over!